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Thanks for visiting my blog. Here I will be posting basically everything that is going on in my life including my travels, career, ect. Huge passion for Christ, Fitness, and Business and I am very blessed to have great friends and family. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Changing my life with Anthony Robins.

Time is has gone fast and my final thirty days in my hometown are nearing. In September I am going to start fresh and move to Miami F.L. to start a new life and independence for myself where I will also start to pursue my dreams of modeling and acting. As I have been waiting for this date for so long I have turned down many other opportunities including a high paying Job to help manage a fast growing company. While it may seem crazy that I am turning down that offer I am deciding to go after the things that truly fulfill me.

I have recently become a huge fan of Anthony Robins who I had never heard of before in my life. Anthony is basically one of if not the top motivational speaker and life coach in the world. What got me hooked was he is not like most speakers where they get up on a stage and preach about the usual. What Anthony does is actually teach you how to pick apart the good and the bad in your life and teach you how to make your life a level 10 experience in both areas.
He also talked about success and how so many rich and successful people are unfulfilled and have no passion in life. His quote "Success without fulfillment is nothing." hit me in so many different ways and just makes my decision on this move much more clear.
If I were to stay in Myrtle Beach and took on this job offer I would have a nice income, maybe a nice condo and really that's all that I could think of. I would be working for a company fifty or 60 hours a week that I have absolutely no passion for. Even on my time off I have no desire what so ever to be in Myrtle Beach anymore. Living in South Florida part time for the past 7 years it has always been a place that your excited to wake up and enjoy everything it has to offer and whether I am doing acting or not, being in that city gives me a large piece of fulfillment.
By changing some of my actions and attitude using some of the I have been overwhelmed at the people and opportunities I have recently connected with. Life changing opportunities if I just keep my heart in it.
The bottom line is is that so many people live by the text book and settle for so much less and don't realize their full potential which usually always leads to many regrets down the road.
So if what you are doing in your life right now is not fulfilling you 100% then you need to start making decisions that are going to get you there.
If you are looking to make positive steps to having a life full of passion and fulfillment then I would highly suggest listening to all of his books and tapes.
-What would it take to make your life today a level 10 experience?

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